The Legal Stuff

Your probably wondering if this site is legal, well... The answer is yes. 

This site,  is not associated with Australian Super Pty Ltd, in any manner. It's presented here for educational purposes and to foster discussion and commentary on the Australian Super Pty Ltd internal processes.

For the same reason has been online for 15 years without being sued: it's not trademark infringement. Nominative use (using a mark to refer to that product) and fair use (criticism and commentary, protected by the first amendment) are affirmative defences to trademark infringement. Registering a trademark doesn't prevent other people from using that word, only from using it in ways that are likely to cause consumer confusion as to the source of some goods or services. This website it hosted, and registered in the USA. So USA Law comes into play here. You're allowed to criticise any company you like (as long as you don't lie), and you can even profit by doing so. For example, media companies can sell newspapers containing negative reviews of trademarked companies, and make money from it.

For more information, refer to our "Disclaimer" Page. 

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